To create or not to create is never the question: what skills in the digital environment?


To create or not to create is never the question: what skills in the digital environment?

Creative Skills Europe, the European Platform for Employment and Skills in the Audiovisual and Live Performance Sectors, is an initiative piloted by European Social partners. It has been coordinated by EURO-MEI since 2014.

In its current phase of activities, the project is focusing on digital skills. With the motto ‘technology is just a means to an end’, it gives the floor to professionals, pioneers in their field of activities. Through their ‘real life’ experiences and insights we learn how they acquired digital skills and how they put them into practice.

A first webinar entitled ‘To create or not to create is never the question’ and focusing on digital skills in the creation process took place on 27 November. The recording is available online, as well as interviews with two of the speakers (‘A conversation on using tech as an artist’ and ‘A conversation on making theatre on zoom’).

Two additional webinars, respectively on digital skills in the production and distribution processes, will be organised in March and June 2021.