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Transformation of technology in media and up-skilling of media workers


Transformation of technology in media and up-skilling of media workers

MediaRoad, a two years’ project coordinated by the EBU (European Broadcasting Union), has published a series of podcasts about the transformation of the technology in media industries and its impact on skills of media professionals. EURO-MEI is an associated partner of the MediaRoad, which was set up in 2017 and will run until the end of 2019. William Maunier, president of EURO-MEI, has participated in one of the recent podcasts developed by MediaRoad, focusing on what transformation of media technology means in terms of professional journeys, jobs, skills, recruitment, and training.

MediaRoad aims to support the transformation of technology in the European media sector by building an ecosystem for innovation involving diverse media associations, public service media organisations, commercial radios and broadcasters, media workers’ organisations; academic research institutes and innovation centers, independent producers and SMEs. One of the key priorities of the project is to build a diverse network where European media organisations, researchers, creative and cultural industries, technology experts and entrepreneurs join forces to create their vision for the future together. The project also aims to provide the European Commission with regular proposals and suggestions to feed into key EU policies like the future framework for research and media innovation and develop a long-term policy vision for the European media sector focusing on audiovisual and radio.

In his podcast interview William Maunier underlines the success of collective bargaining agreements which were signed in in the media sector in France and which foresee the mutualisation of training schemes for media professionals which are jointly financed by workers and employers and which are inclusive of the freelance workforce in the sector. 

The podcast with William Maunier can be accessed at : https://www.mediaroad.eu/podcasts/episode-6-william-maunier