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Turkish union members begin negotiations with Lufthansa Contact Centre


Turkish union members begin negotiations with Lufthansa Contact Centre

Turkish workers who are members of the Sosyal-IS union have begun negotiating a collective agreement at the contact centre of German airline Lufthansa.

The Lufthansa contact centre employs 268 workers in Turkey and provides customer service to clients in Turkish, German and English.

Workers who are members of Sosyal-IS begun organizing workers in early 2018, and the union now represents the majority of Lufthansa contact centre employees in Turkey

The President of Sosyal-IS, Metin Ebeturk said, “Turkey is being used more and more to provide offshored contact centre services, especially to the German language market. Sosyal-IS is the union for contact centre workers in Turkey and we are committed to raising employment conditions for workers in this sector.”

Teresa Casertano, Head of the ICTS Department at UNI Global Union said, “the work of Sosyal-IS to organize offshored contact centre workers is important to ensure that basic labour standards are respected in Lufthansa’s global supply chain”.