x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

UNI Americas Finance prepared a Statement on COVID-19 to be disseminated among workers, and used as a tool for union action to protect workers and society as a whole in these difficult times. It was prepared based on the information provided by the unions, who demand concrete actions to safeguard working and health conditions for workers and for the population as a whole.

Unions manifested that the States should decide to minimize financial transactions that require interacting with customers face-to-face, avoiding personal contact between workers and customers, and crowds of people in branches, in order to prevent infection and spread. We recommend  only having on-site staff to assist and provide financial resources to the elderly, and to people who do not have sufficient resources to access through other means; while making sure that the ATMs or virtual services are working correctly so that transactions can be carried out using ATMs and electronic, telephone and virtual means. Financial institutions should therefore have the least number of staff on the premises, enough to ensure that electronic transactions and ATM cash replenishment is carried out as normal. Also, adequate working and health conditions should be ensured during telework or work from home. “These actions  would be effective contributions of the financial system to the fight against the spread of COVID-19”, reads the statement. 

“In this time of pandemic, our challenge is to have global solidarity and commitment. Perhaps today more than ever, what we have always said about the importance of a global union, comes to light; this is our understanding and from the sector we are keeping abreast of our affiliated unions’ actions to defend the health of bank workers in every country. We consider that finance sector unions should be aware of how other unions are addressing the situation in neighbouring countries, we therefore quickly implemented a strategy to connect unions and provide information, knowledge and solidarity among those who represent the interests of workers and their families, considering that today the main interest is community health” said Guillermo Maffeo, Regional Director, UNI Americas Finance.

“We know that we need to double our efforts and strength, that we have to act globally to provide tools to our affiliates who share the commitment to fight every minute for the interests of workers, guaranteeing their safety in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, and showing once again the solidarity of unions and workers with society, putting first our commitment to ensure that those most in need have access to the necessary financial instruments to face this unforeseen pandemic” he concluded.

The President of UNI Americas Finance, Sergio Palazzo, publicly declared: “Life comes first. The key issue in this Pandemic, which is an invisible army with yet no vaccine to cure or prevent it, is to carry out actions that will protect our health.

You can read the full statement in the attached file.


UNI Americas