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UNI and CONTRAF signed a Global Framework Agreement with Banco do Brasil


UNI and CONTRAF signed a Global Framework Agreement with Banco do Brasil

Today UNI Global Union, together with its affiliate Contraf-CUT, signed a global framework agreement with Banco do Brasil which will remain in force for a period of two years.

The first global framework agreement with Banco do Brasil was signed in 2011 and was renewed until 2015. On this occasion, Marcio Monzane, Regional Secretary of UNI Americas, explained the importance of this agreement in the following words. “At a time when labour rights and individual freedoms are being rolled back, and when social programmes are under attack throughout our region, this agreement highlights the maturity of Banco Do Brasil’s management which is committed to social dialogue and improving labour relations.”

Many companies act differently depending on the country in which they operate. This applies to their strategies in terms of how they deal with their workers. A framework agreement acts as an important instrument for guaranteeing workers’ rights at the international level, whether employees work for the Banco do Brasil itself or for banks under its control. By signing this agreement, we are providing an assurance to workers in the different countries that they will enjoy the same rights and working conditions.

More information can be found at: http://www.contrafcut.org.br/noticias/contraf-cut-assina-marco-global-en


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