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UNI APRO Finance & UNI SCORE recently conducted a 2-day meeting in Pakistan, with active participation from 18 members representing various banking unions. The primary agenda of the meeting was to finalise the revival of PBIFEF under the new strategic plan. The meeting preceded the 3rd Delegate Conference of the PBIFEF.

Participants dedicated their efforts to forming a cohesive leadership team and promoting collaboration among the federation members. During the meeting, detailed discussions were held to define the federation’s purpose, establish working methodologies, and determine the specific roles of its executive members. 

The meeting proved to be intensive, with a strong emphasis on devising a progressive and forward-looking strategy for the federation. Special attention was given to the importance of organizing both public and private banking sectors in Pakistan. A key strategic objective emerged, focusing on the inclusion of contractual, casual, and part-time workers within the banking industry following on from recent wins. A special emphasis was made to encourage women union activist to take up organizing roles.

Furthermore, the participants efficiently allocated tasks among the executive members and other union representatives associated with the federation, ensuring a streamlined approach to achieving their objectives. 

Mr. Liaqat Ali, Vice Chairman PBIFEF, “I really appreciated the discussion around the formation of leadership teams presented by UNI. Personally, I liked the methodology of Bro Priyalal and Bro Hovig, how to write the constitution with the consultation of your colleagues, and I am also encouraged with the detailed formation discussion for CEC of the federation and how to improve your organization’s values. With the assistance of UNI APRO, I have a big hope that in the future, PBIFEF will hit milestones with the organizing work in the financial industry in Pakistan.” 

Jayasri Priyalal, Finance Sector, Regional Director, UNI APRO in his opening remarks said it is encouraging to note that young men and women are keen to come forward to organize and recruit members into trade unions in Pakistan. Priyalal reiterated the message to the newly elected officials of PBIFEF to think big, plan small and act now.

The delegates elected a new Central Executive Committee, including two women to implement the organizing plan during the next three years.



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