x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

This International Workers Memorial Day, leaders and affiliates of UNI Apro pay tribute to all the workers who sacrificed their health and lives during the pandemic.

Globally, more than 140 million people have been infected. Over 3 million people have died. Among them are the workers and fellow trade unionists. Many of whom had stepped up as frontline workers in some of the key essential sectors.

In Asia, the pandemic has seen a resurgence of second and even third wave of infections. We pray for our affiliates and their family to continue to stay safe.




UNI Apro Regional Secretary Rajendra Acharya expressed his condolences to the trade union members and leaders who have died from Covid in the past year, saying “When we were collecting information to commemorate the IWMD, I was very much sadden to learn about the deaths of some old friends and colleagues from among the UNI Apro family.

“Now that over a year have passed since the pandemic erupted. We have been raising our voices to call for the protection of workers and for their essential rights to be fulfilled. Let us continue to step up, nourished by the memories of our fallen comrades, and to build forward for the living a better future where workers and trade union rights will flourish”.      

UNI Asia & Pacific