x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike


The recent increase in anti-Asian Hate had highlighted the need for the governments, employers, workers and community to make changes.

Racially motivated violence against Asians has spike during the pandemic.

The consequences of systematic dehumanizing of Asians are horrific and made Asians invisible when the fact remains how indispensable they were in response to the COVID-19 pandemic as front liners and essential workers all over the world. 

According to Alice Chang, UNI Apro Director of Women & Equality Opportunities, “These acts of hate demands action. It is a grim reminder of the dangers that women, especially women of colour, face in their daily lives.” 

WORDS COUNT – the use of nasty profane racist language is unacceptable! 

Mirah Sumirat, President UNI Apro Women in calling for solidarity to end violence, racism and hate said, “If anyone is oppressed, we are all oppressed. We need to rise up and come together!  Stop ANTI-ASIAN Hate!”

Julia Fox, Vice President UNI World Women stressed, “We want to see an end to racism. The voices of women must be heard and reflected in actual policies and politics. We need to create change”.

UNI Apro Women will stand our ground to bring awareness against any type of hate, violence and all forms of systemic racism in different communities. 


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UNI Asia & Pacific