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UNI Europa calls on EU to back Work-free Sunday

“Do we really want to live without a Sunday, without a day where we don’t work?“, asks Oliver Roethig, Regional Secretary of the European services workers union UNI Europa. “Often workers don’t have a choice anymore. With all the negative consequences for their private lives. Our demand to the new European Parliament and new Commission is: let’s keep Sunday special!; let’s keep Sunday free from work!; and let’s have strong EU policies on a Work-free Sunday!”

See video message from Oliver Roethig here:



UNI Europa together with the European Sunday Alliance campaigns to keep Sunday special – for more see: http://www.europeansundayalliance.eu/

Follow #EU4freeSunday


Smahan Jabiri, Communications Coordinator, UNI Europa
Phone: +32 22345656
Email: smahan.jabiri@uniglobalunion.org


UNI Europa