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UNI Global Union and Carrefour united in fight to stop violence against women


UNI Global Union and Carrefour united in fight to stop violence against women

The Carrefour group – represented by its CEO, Alexandre Bompard – and trade union federation UNI Global Union – represented by its General Secretary, Christy Hoffman  – have renewed a global agreement to promote social dialogue and diversity and to ensure the protection of fundamental principles and rights in the workplace. The agreement was signed during a meeting of the “European Works Council at Carrefour’s headquarters today.
This global agreement builds on the previous agreements that the Carrefour group entered into with UNI Global Union in 2001 and 2015.
Amongst other new additions to the agreement, Carrefour and UNI Global Union set out their joint determination to address the issue of violence against women at work.
UNI Head of Commerce, Mathias Bolton said, “Carrefour recognises the fundamental gravity of this issue. Violence against women at work, obviously has huge personal consequences for the victim but also for the entire workforce and the business. Carrefour are doing the right thing by committing to awareness-raising and prevention, before its too late, as well as giving victims proper support when necessary.
UNI General Secretary Christy Hoffman said, “We congratulate Carrefour on signing this agreement and continuing on the road to decent work, a journey we started back in 2001. The importance of global agreements is now irrefutable, recognised even by the G20. In a world where many  businesses put profits above people, UNI is pleased to work with an organisation which recognises the value of worker rights.”  
“UNI has had a global agreement with Carrefour for 17 years and we’re pleased with the progress on workers’ rights but to be leaders in their field there is no room for complacency.”

 The agreement also  sets out to promote and encourage:

  • constructive social dialogue;
  • diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace through joint initiatives, particularly in relation to gender mix and non-discrimination;
  • the defence and respect of workers’ fundamental rights – freedom of association and principles of collective-bargaining – as well as their safety and their working conditions at Carrefour and at its suppliers’ and franchisees’ premises.

 The renewed global agreement demonstrates the practical steps Carrefour and UNI are taking together to apply labour standards, based on the fundamental rights conventions of the ILO, the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. With this agreement Carrefour and UNI Global Union are establishing a basis for promoting responsible business throughout the company’s operations, including its supply chain and at its franchisees.
Carrefour will take part in UNI’s Global Alliance for Hypermarkets and Grocery Chains on November 8th in Bucharest, Romania.


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