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UNI Global Union and the ITUC show solidarity with Amazon climate activists


UNI Global Union and the ITUC show solidarity with Amazon climate activists

Amazon workers are organizing to hold the company accountable for its impact on the climate, but instead of taking their concerns seriously, Amazon’s management is trying to stifle workers’ voices by threatening their jobs. UNI Global Union and the ITUC stand in solidarity with the Amazon Employees for Climate Justice and demand that the e-commerce juggernaut stops this abuse.

Below is a letter of support from the organizations’ general secretaries.

Dear Mr. Bezos:

As General Secretaries of two of the largest global labour organizations, representing well over 200 million workers, we are troubled by recent reports of Amazon management targeting employees advocating for climate justice.

As union leaders, we know that workers’ rights to collectively call for reforms are fundamental to democracy, in and out of the workplace. As global leaders, we know that there is no challenge greater than the existential threat of climate change.

We are pleased that in response to Amazon workers’ organizing efforts, the company announced increased steps to address this crisis. However, Amazon’s Climate Pledge does not go far enough. 

Workers’ rights are human rights and climate justice is an existential issue for us all. Whether in warehouses, delivery trucks or offices, we are proud to stand with the thousands of Amazon workers who want to make the company more responsible. We urge you and Amazon management to address the substance of workers’ critiques rather than attempt to stifle their voices with threats and intimidation.


UNI Global Union, representing 20 million service workers in 150 countries, coordinates a global alliance of Amazon workers and unions from around nearly two-dozen countries. Along with the ITUC, it hosted the first ever international symposium examining the company’s unchecked power in an era of technological dominance. It has 20 million members in 150 countries.

ITUis the world’s largest trade union federation representing 207 million workers in 163 countries.


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