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UNI World Executive Board: DPD-GeoPost must respect workers’ rights


UNI World Executive Board: DPD-GeoPost must respect workers’ rights

In a show of international solidarity, the World Executive Board of UNI Global Union unanimously backed a resolution calling on logistics giant DPD-GeoPost to recognize and respect the rights of workers in Switzerland.

Swiss DPD workers are organizing with Unia, a UNI affiliate, for safer jobs, living wages, fair scheduling and more, but so far, and despite a global agreement with UNI, the company has focused more on resisting the union rather than negotiating to solve workers’ problems.

The resolution, below, calls for the company to end exploitative subcontracting and recognize Unia as a representative union.

More on DPD workers’ struggle is available here.

Resolution on DPD by the UNI World Executive Board

The UNI World Executive Board at its meeting on 11 November 2021 unanimously supported its Swiss affiliate UNIA in its struggle against DPD Switzerland against the company’s blatant attacks on trade union rights. As defined in the global framework agreement signed with UNI Global Union, DPD-GeoPost must respect freedom of association and collective bargaining rights. Workers are entitled to union representation and have their interests protected via collective bargaining.

The UNI World Executive Board called on DPD-GeoPost to end its global strategy to use subcontracting workers to carry out DPD deliveries which creates a race to the bottom in terms of working conditions and wages and fuels social dumping.

The UNI World Executive Board calls on DPD-Geopost to recognize UNIA as a representative union and to urgently negotiate in good faith the long-standing workplace issues.

The UNI World Executive Board invites all affiliates to take part in the Global Day of Action scheduled in December 2021. 

Post & Logistics

UNI Europa