UNI Global Union’s Turkish affiliate, Koop-İş, has signed a new collective agreement with Nike, winning major improvements in wages, bonuses and benefits for workers in the company’s stores.

The win comes after workers threatened strike action at Nike’s nine retail outlets in the country.

The new two-year agreement, which runs from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2026, will be applied retroactively, and comes after the first-ever collective agreement with Nike in Türkiye expired last year. The workers’ unity and determined campaign has resulted in a contract that protects previous gains and makes significant advances.

Highlights of the new collective agreement:

  • Wage increases well above inflation, along with regular raises throughout the duration of the contract.
  • Correction of wage disparities between different job positions.
  • Boosts to bonuses and financial incentives, including travel, meal and seniority premiums.
  • Improved benefits for part-time workers, especially in travel and food allowances.
  • Increased annual leave beyond legal requirements.
  • Expanded employer-paid medical benefits.
  • Up to eight months’ wage compensation in case of store closures, in addition to the legally mandated seniority payments.
  • Regular and necessary meetings between the union and employer to address disciplinary issues and dismissals.

These wins come on top of key rights already secured in the previous agreement, including:

  • Guaranteed 13th month salary.
  • Two days off per week, surpassing Turkish legal standards.
  • Reduced working hours to 40 per week.
  • Ongoing pay increases and financial incentives.

“This success is a result of our union and members acting in unity and solidarity,” said Koop-İş President, Eyüp Alemdar, adding that it will bring hope to all workers in the retail sector, allowing them to look to the future with greater confidence.

UNI Head of Commerce, Mathias Bolton, said:

“This is a strong example of what unions can achieve when workers stand together. Koop-İş’s success shows the power of organizing, especially in the retail sector where workers too often face low pay and insecure conditions. UNI is proud to stand with Koop-İş and Nike workers in Türkiye.”

📢 Read the full statement from Koop-İş here.




UNI Europa