x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

Workers of the Imbanaco Medical Center, Quirónsalud / Fresenius facility, demand guaranteed labour standards


Workers of the Imbanaco Medical Center, Quirónsalud / Fresenius facility, demand guaranteed labour standards

The Health and Social Security Workers’ Trade Union (SINTRASASS) have been in ongoing negotiations with the Imbanaco Medical Center, which was bought by Quirónsalud/Fresenius, since November 30 when it first presented its list of demands to the company. But the company has not negotiated a fair contract with the union.

“Quirónsalud does not recognize the rights that are currently given to workers,” said Anderson Peralta, President of the Regional Board, and a worker at the clinic. SINTRASASS seeks to bargain over issues such as improving job stability, the maintenance of workers’ current benefits, and strengthening social dialogue. However, the company has slammed the door in workers’ faces.

“We do not understand why the clinic refuses to guarantee stability and assure us that the benefits that we have today will be maintained over time. Our request is minimal after all the effort we have made during the pandemic,” he concluded.

Likewise, María Eugenia Mazzo, president of the union added: “As health workers, especially in these times of pandemic, we take the responsibility of caring for our patients very seriously. We will not give up on doing a professional and excellent job.” The union is calling on the company to treat workers with the same respect they show the clinic’s patients. The best way to do so, workers say, is to show respect and to ensure that basic labour standards and workers’ rights are met.

Marcio Monzane, Regional Secretary of UNI Americas, stated: “We call on Quirónsalud to return to social dialogue with our affiliate, and thus conclude these ongoing negotiations in a fair and equitable contract. The company should recognize the real value of the work performed by these essential workers who have made a difference in this health crisis.”


UNI Americas