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World Post Day: pushing for a sustainable, public and decent future for postal workers


World Post Day: pushing for a sustainable, public and decent future for postal workers

World Post Day is a day to celebrate the vital role of postal services in connecting people, communities and societies. Today, leaders of postal unions from all over the world are highlighting the crucial value of postal workers performing an essential duty every day to bring people together.

In an increasingly interconnected and digital world, the post remains one of our most significant institutions and it’s crucial that we fight for a post that is sustainable, diverse, public and decent for workers.

The future of post is sustainable

The future of the postal service is green jobs and sustainability. “Let’s invest in climate-friendly delivery and vital new services for communities like elder check-ins and low-fee banking” said Jan Simpson, National President of CUPW Canada and UNI Americas Post & Logistics President. “We need to create new revenue streams and secure good union jobs.”

The future of post is decent work

Dave Ward, General Secretary of the CWU and UNI Post and Logistics World President said that the future of post must be a future with decent work and dignity on the job. “Not only are postal workers the bedrock of our communities but they can be green, innovative and efficient services which create well-paid, secure jobs for all”, said Ward.

The future of post is diversification

Head of UNI Post and Logistics at UNI Global Union, Cornelia Berger underlined the need for the post to diversify: “We need to invest in new, green, innovative activities for the benefit and needs of everyone in our society. These services must be provided by highly motivated and well-trained postal workers with good working conditions in our growing, modern public networks.”

The future of post is public

Ibrahima Sarr, President of UNI Africa Post and Logistics and SNTPT, emphasized the crucial role a public postal service plays in connecting people, cultures, and communities globally. “The Post is a key player in sustainable development, a precious social link and a bridge to a better future for humanity,” said Sarr.

Jens Saverstam, Head of the International Department at Swedish union SEKO and UNI Europa Post and Logistics President underscored the need for a public postal service. “People’s access to postal services is a democratic right,” said Saverstam “The universal postal service defends freedom of expression and democracy.”

Celebrating the post

“The postal service transcends borders – it doesn’t only deliver letters but love, culture, and hope. To all postal workers and everyone globally, your efforts weave our world together; happy World Post Day!” said Yukinori Ishikawa President of the Japan Postal Group Union and UNI Post and Logistics Asia Pacific.

As we celebrate post and logistics workers globally, these messages underscore the need for a sustainable, public, diverse, and decent future for postal services. They remind us that postal workers are the backbone of our communities, connecting us in an increasingly digital world and serving as a lifeline for many.