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“Empowerment is about breaking structural barriers. We all become better off when we open doors of opportunity for young men and women”, with these words, UNI Deputy General Secretary Alke Boessiger opened the UNI Europa Youth Conference – #nofuturewithoutyouth, in Zadar, Croatia on the 30th and 31st of October 2019.

18 European countries from 33 unions met for two days to discuss the challenges faced by young workers across Europe, from zero-hour contracts to the rise of right wing governments and share, as a forum, best practices carried out by unions across Europe in the Future World of Work. The Conference also gave participants the opportunity to have working sessions on climate change and social media activism and to discuss the UNI Europa Youth Action Plan that set the guidelines for the work of UNI Europa Youth for the next two years.

During the Conference a new Steering Group was elected with Trond Vergard Saele from Negotia, Norway, elected as the new UNI Europa Youth President.

As UNI Europa Regional Secretary, Oliver Roethig, shared in his remarks “…without youth unions cannot survive. Without youth, the trade union movement cannot evolve, transform and adapt to the changes ahead”.


UNI Europa