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The Chunghwa Postal Workers Union (CPWU) celebrated its 90th anniversary in Taipei, Taiwan, on 31 January 2020, just a day before the union’s 90th birthday.

More than 200 people including all regional presidents of CPWU, the President of Chunghwa Post, the Political Deputy Minister of transportation and communication, fraternal trade unions leaders, and delegates from the JPGU (Japan), KPWU (Korea) and UNI Apro attended the ceremony.

               Historic photo of CPWU’s establishment on 1 February 1930

Bro. Wu Wen-Feng, President of CPWU, thanked a number of senior union leaders who maintained the union for a long time and for their achievements during some of the most difficult times of the country.

He pointed out that CPWU and union members need to cope with imminent changes, especially in the logistics and financial services. He pledged that the union will continue to strive and develop CPWU’s capability to protect workers’ rights and conditions for the next 10 and 100 years.

CPWU is now focusing on developing younger union leaders by setting up training programs, grooming new blood to bring in new thoughts, and preparing them to help contribute to both the union and to Chunghwa Post.

Christopher Ng, UNI Apro Emeritus Regional Secretary, emphasized it is very heartening to see an eminent union such as CPWU having overcame a lot of difficulties to maintain the union for 90 years. One of the reasons for CPWU’s longevity is that it worked not only for union members but also for local communities to connect citizens and improve their lives.

UNI Apro Regional Secretary, Rajendra Kumar, conveyed his congratulations to CPWU, he said, “On behalf of UNI Apro, I congratulate CPWU for marking its 90th anniversary! We look forward to working with them for more years to come!




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