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DHL Supply Chain recognizes Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja union in Malaysia


DHL Supply Chain recognizes Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja union in Malaysia
After a struggle of over 4 years, DHL Supply Chain (M) finally recognized the Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja DHL Supply Chain union. The company and the union also signed a memorandum of understanding, which allows the union to expand their activities in the company including talking with workers in preparation of a first contract.
The memorandum is a significant victory, considering that the Company, the union and UNI Malaysia Liaison Council (UNI MLC) developed our relationship over the past several years and we established a smart partnership between the parties.
“We congratulate the union on this success, and will continue to stand with them as they push for a strong collective bargaining agreement,” said Cornelia Broos, Head of UNI Post & Logistics.
For the company, it was signed by Dr. Vijay Balasundram, Director of Operations DHL Supply Chain and witnessed by Ms. Joanne See, General Manager Human Resources. On the union side, Bro. Mohd Hassani bin Jamil Ahmad, President of Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja DHL Supply Chain, which was witnessed by Datuk Mohamed Shafie BP Mammal, President of UNI-Malaysia Labour Centre (UNI MLC).
After the long fight for recognition, the union hopes for a productive, smart partnership with the company.

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