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At this year’s Cannes film festival, UNI MEI stepped up its presence and activities to promote its campaign on dignity at work and the cooperation among stakeholders of the audiovisual industry on gender equality. At the same time, UNI MEI participated in informal exchanges with the European Commission and stakeholders on the implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services and Copyright Directives.  

Gender equality was again a prominent issue across the festival’s many events. For unions, it was an opportunity to point to the necessity of a long-term approach to achieve a real engagement of all stakeholders and a change of culture in within the industry. 

UNI MEI Projects Director, Daphne Tepper presented the review of the framework of actions on equality in the audiovisual sector at various workshops to different stakeholders and social partners such as FIAPF.  The framework of action has been negotiated between FIA, FIM, EFJ and UNI MEI on the one hand and the European associations of employers including ACT, CEPI, FIAPF and EBU on the other hand. It  identifies the priorities and recommends policies and tools that the European social partners  believe can enhance gender equality focusing on the following key areas: gender portrayal, equality of pay, equality in decision making, gender roles in the workplace, the reconciliation of work and private life.

Tepper also moderated the European Commission’s workshop “Achieving greater gender balance”. The workshop allowed for showcasing best practices from across the industry towards gender balance with participation from various groups such as EWA, European Women’s Audiovisual Network. 

UNI MEI Vice President, Françoise Chazaud, FASAP-FO (France) represented UNI MEI at the informal stakeholder dialogue organised by the European Commission on audiovisual and copyright policies. The entertainment unions in Europe have been campaigning successfully for better rules and mandatory tools promoting cultural diversity in the online distribution market such as SVOD and a better protection of the rights of authors and performers in contracts and remuneration for the use of their works. The adoption of the Audiosvisual Media Services Directive and the Copyright Directive are two milestones that strengthen both investment in creation and creators’ position in the industry. 

UNI MEI and its affiliates are eager to work with EU member states, the EU institutions and all stakeholders to ensure that the implementation of both directives meet the objectives set by the EU legislation across all member states. The informal stakeholder dialogue in Cannes was a first rendez-vous and good opportunity to exchange on the impact of the new legislation. The next opportunity for a more formal exchange is already on the horizon when UNI MEI will attend the EU Romanian Presidency conference on copyright on 19-20 June. Stay tuned!