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UNI mourns horrific loss of Alex Dolorosa, BIEN organizer in the Philippines


UNI mourns horrific loss of Alex Dolorosa, BIEN organizer in the Philippines

UNI Global Union is devastated by the brutal murder of Alex Dolorosa, an organizer for UNI affiliate BIEN in the Philippines. Alex was a passionate and dedicated organizer who devoted his life to improving the working conditions and rights of workers in the call centre industry. He worked tirelessly in Bacolod City, and his commitment to the cause of workers’ rights was an inspiration to all who knew him.

We were shocked to learn that Alex went missing over the weekend and was found yesterday on the outskirts of Bacolod city, having suffered 23 stab wounds. The circumstances surrounding his murder are still unclear, but we are outraged that such a dedicated and committed organizer should meet such a violent and senseless end.

The UNI Global Union family sends our deepest condolences to Alex’s family, friends, and colleagues. We stand with them in grief and in solidarity in the face of this tragedy. We call on the authorities in the Philippines to conduct a thorough investigation into Alex’s murder and to bring those responsible to justice.

This is a stark reminder of the risks that organizers and union members face in some parts of the world. UNI reaffirms our commitment to promoting and defending the rights of workers everywhere, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of workers are heard and their rights are protected.

We will honour Alex’s memory by continuing the struggle for workers’ rights in the Philippines and around the world.

ICT & Related Services

The Philippines

UNI Asia & Pacific