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UNI Americas organized a Forum for the Ratification of ILO Convention 190 in the Caribbean, with the participation of politicians and union leaders. ILO Convention 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work came into effect in June 2021 and has so far been ratified by 17 countries worldwide, including Antigua and Barbuda

Christy Hoffman, General Secretary of UNI Global Union, opened the event by highlighting the tireless work of unions to include in their collective bargaining clauses that contain redress for workplace harassment, as well as its prevention.

In this regard, several participants shared their work and experience in their countries in terms of ratification and implementation, understanding that the eradication of violence does not end with the ratification of the Convention, but that it is necessary to “be vigilant”, demand compliance with regulations and take into account ILO Recommendation 206.

“We want to discuss the Convention, we want to explain that it protects all workers, men and women, and that it is a fighting tool for women both in their homes and in their workplaces,” said Neiva Ribeiro, vice-president of UNI Americas Women.

Highlighting the union work carried out by our affiliates, Andrea Garcia added: “We know that they are working to guarantee spaces free of violence, the unions are building the path to achieve an act that transforms our reality.”

UNI Americas