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Launch of online interactive risk assessment tool for audiovisual productions


Launch of online interactive risk assessment tool for audiovisual productions

We are happy to announce the launch of the online interactive risk assessment tool (OiRA) for audiovisual productions that we have developped together with the European Association of  European Audiovisual Production (CEPI),  the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF), the International Federation of Actors (FIA) and the International Federation of Musicians (FIM), and the collaboration and support of the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work (EU-OSHA).

The tool will be launched during a joint onlne event on 14 April 2021. Please find below the draft programm and the link to the online registration.


1st PART – 10.00 AM – 11.30 AM (CEST)

  • Introduction
  • Welcome from project partners
  • Social Dialogue, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • The role of Social Partners and the cooperation between them and the EU
  • Commission to improve health and safety at work.
  • European Agency for safety and health at work (EU-OSHA)
  • About the OiRA platform and the work of the European Agency for Health and Safety at work
  • The OiRA tool for Audiovisual productions
  • Presentation of the tool development, content, structure and functionalities

2nd PART – 02:30 PM – 04.00 PM (CEST)

  • Welcome from CEPI, FIAPF
  • The commitment of the AV industry in designing and promoting the OiRA tool
  • How to make national adaptations of the tool
  • EU-OSHA representatives will explain how to make the national adaptation of the European OiRA tool for Audiovisual productions.
  • Parallel Workshops (every workshop will be repeated twice):

Room 1 – How to use the tool

This workshop aims to show and explain how the OiRA tool for the AV sector works.

Room 2 – Occupational health and safety (OSH) experts advice

OSH experts will explain their approach to the risk assessment and how the

OiRA tool can help to ensure health and safety on film productions.

Inscription to the Launch event of the OiRA Risk Assessment Tool for Audiovisual Productions