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UNI Africa Post & Logistics Regional Conference forges strong path for next four years 


UNI Africa Post & Logistics Regional Conference forges strong path for next four years 

The UNI Africa Post & Logistics (P&L) regional conference, held in Dakar, Senegal, earlier this month, saw the adoption of six strong resolutions aimed at guiding its work for the next four years.  

These resolutions commit to: 

  • strengthen collective bargaining power 
  • promote gender equality 
  • include young workers 
  • manage digitalization 
  • protect jobs 
  • fight privatization and restructuring 
  • promote occupational health and safety 

The conference also elected a new UNI Africa P&L Committee, with most members of the previous committee being re-elected, including UNI Africa P&L President Ibrahima Sarr.  

“This conference brings together workers from all over Africa, and together, we’re bouncing to make post & logistics jobs good jobs for workers all over the region,” said Sarr. “This sector has infinite potential, and the essential service we provide is absolutely crucial for functioning and thriving societies. 

“This meeting will set the way for an ambitious agenda to strengthen collective bargaining, fight privatization and manage digitalization. Together, we can deliver a post and logistics sector with decent jobs, fair pay and dignity.” 

Participants at the event underlined the crucial importance of strengthening collective bargaining through organizing at both multinationals and national postal operators in the years to come, and they committed to increasing women’s access to decision-making structures as well as including youth in the unions’ work. These steps are key to ensure the future health of Post & Logistics unions in the region. 

The conference also featured contributions from special guests Mrs. Marème Thiam Ndour, Head of Staff of the Minister for Communication, Telecommunications, and Digitalization, Mr. Moussa Bocar Thiam, Mr. Mahamadou Diate, Director General of La Poste Senegal, and Mr. Mademba Sock, General Secretary of UNSAS. As Vice World President of UNI Post & Logistics, Jens Saverstam, from SEKO in Sweden, helped preside over the meeting. 

The event was covered by national television and local press, which can be viewed here.



Post & Logistics

UNI Africa