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Auchan and Carrefour sign landmark Declaration with UNI to tackle Covid-19


Auchan and Carrefour sign landmark Declaration with UNI to tackle Covid-19

Joint declaration on protective measures for workers and customers in the food retail sector during the Covid-19 pandemic

UNI Global Union, Auchan Retail and Carrefour Group have signed a joint declaration on the implementation of good business practice in response to the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

At a time when the world of work faces an unprecedented health and economic emergency, Auchan Retail, Carrefour and UNI undertake to communicate and work together to share best practice to prevent risks arising from Covid-19. Together, they agree to examine the introduction of all useful and appropriate measures, derived from good corporate practice, to prevent, reduce or eliminate the risks of contagion for their employees and customers.

These measures are divided into the following themes:

  • Improving hygiene and safety rules recommended for all employees in the countries concerned
  • Health regulations for stores, drive-thrus, home delivery and logistics warehouses
  • Social support measures for employees
  • Support for employees with a particular status (eg disabled workers, pregnant women)

“We are fully aware of the importance of our role as an essential service. Our top priority has been the health of our teams as well as that of our customers from day one. We are putting all our energy into it, and the sharing of our good health and safety practices is part of a common will to act in the face of this unprecedented crisis,” says Jérôme Nanty, Executive Vice President Human Resources of the Carrefour Group.

“In this exceptional health crisis, the protection of our customers and employees is a priority. We owe it to them, because our teams are fully committed to our mission: to do everything possible to continue feeding the population in every country we operate. Being able to exchange best practices in this area and working with our partners on these issues are opportunities that we will seize through this UNI-led approach,” says Marc Grosser, Director of Human Resources, Transformation and CSR at Auchan Retail.

“Supermarket workers are putting their lives on the line while continuing to serve the public during the pandemic. Now, more than ever, employers and trade unions need to work together to best protect the health of supermarket workers and customers during this health crisis. In signing this Declaration, Auchan and Carrefour are leading the way in the fight against Covid-19, others must follow,” said Christy Hoffman, UNI General Secretary.


About Auchan Retail

Present in 14 countries, Auchan Retail encompasses all food trade formats (hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, click-and-collect and e-commerce) with 2,293 points of sale. Auchan Retail places its customers at the heart of its strategy by offering them a phygital shopping experience combining physical stores with the digital ecosystem, as well as exclusive, high-quality products at the best possible prices. Next-generation retailers, campaigners for good, healthy and local products, Auchan Retail’s 329,694 employees work responsibly with customers, farmers and suppliers so that everyone can improve their quality of life by eating better.

To follow us: www.auchan-retail.com – Twitter @auchannews – LinkedIn Auchan Retail  

About Carrefour Group

Boasting a multi-format network of 12,300 stores in more than 30 countries, Carrefour Group is one of the world’s leading food retailers. Carrefour welcomes 105 million customers worldwide and posted turnover of 80.7 billion euros in 2019. It employs more than 325,000 men and women who contribute to making Carrefour the world leader in the food transition for all, offering quality food every day, accessible everywhere and at a reasonable price.

For more information, please visit www.carrefour.com, Twitter (@GroupeCarrefour) or LinkedIn (Carrefour).  

About UNI Global Union

UNI Global Union, based in Nyon, Switzerland, represents 20 million workers in skills and services in 150 countries, including four million workers in the retail and commerce sector. UNI has forged global agreements with some of the world’s largest retailers – including Carrefour and Auchan – to secure workers’ rights throughout their operations. UNI’s mission is to build power for working people in service sectors world-wide through the growth of unions and expansion of collective bargaining; to improve the working and living conditions for workers; and support sustainable economic growth.

For more information, please contact: Leonie Guguen, Senior Communications Manager, UNI Global Union, leonie.guguen@uniglobalunion.org. Tel: +41 79 137 5436