x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

“Umoja ni nguvu” is Swahili for “together we are stronger”, a term that coins one of the aims of the UNI Mentoring Program: to build strong networks.

18 women, 9 unions and 4 countries met in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania on the 29th and 30th of May to launch the 4th UNI Mentoring Program in UNI Africa.

The Opening Workshop covered topics such as campaigns, communications, leadership skills and effective use of social media, whilst organizing tandems, and setting the guidelines for the work that will follow during the two year implementation period of the program.

The UNI East Africa Mentoring Program is the next addition to the Mentoring Program, a program that since its launch in 2013 spans to all UNI regions, includes 53 countries and has over 270 tandems working on building women leaders.

Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for women to meet, share and build support networks in the region.