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UNI G&P reaches social dialogue declaration with European and Latin American graphical federations


UNI G&P reaches social dialogue declaration with European and Latin American graphical federations

UNI Global Union’s Graphical and Packaging sector (UNI G&P) signed a declaration last week on expanding social dialogue with Intergraf and Conlatingraf, industry federations in Europe and Latin America respectively.

“This declaration comes at a time when our industry is in flux, and our economies are in crisis,” said Nicola Konstantinou, Head of UNI G&P. “It is a positive development that in our first meeting we were able to reach a positive outcome that is good for workers and good for the sector.”

The declaration states that:

  • Absolute priority should be given to protecting the health and safety of workers through the implementation of effective policies in the sector’s companies to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • The printing sectors plays an important role in keeping the public informed via different channels (newsprint, doordrops, outdoor, advertising, Covid information posters, etc)
  • Governments are called upon to define the graphical sector as an essential sector and to support it accordingly, including through financial assistance and the securing of supply chains.
  • Social dialogue and collective bargaining must play a decisive role at all levels to maintain and develop the economic and social viability of the sector.
  • In a period where digital information is given priority, it is important to recall that printed matter is essential for the understanding of complex matters. Print has proven to be the better support when it comes to the comprehension of long informational texts.

The three organizations also commit to expanding social dialogue through sharing best practices and deeping participation from National Employers Federations of other parts of the world. 

“It is a first step in the right direction,” concluded Konstantinou.


Graphical & Packaging

UNI Americas

UNI Europa