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Amazon workers in Canada file for union representation with Unifor


Amazon workers in Canada file for union representation with Unifor

The push to advance rights for Amazon workers is gaining momentum worldwide.

This week, workers at two Amazon locations in Metro Vancouver submitted applications to the British Columbia Labour Relations Board (BCLRB) to establish a union with Unifor, a UNI Global Union affiliate. This action is part of a rising wave of Amazon workers uniting for their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

“Workers at Amazon are seeking job security, health and safety, and fair wages,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “Forming a democratic union in their workplace will help achieve their goals.”

This demand in Canada comes as a growing number of workers in the UK are joining an ongoing strike wave with the GMB Union. In the U.S., unions including the RWDSU and Teamsters are actively organizing workers. There’s an uptick in militancy in Germany with ver.di, and workers in India are stepping up like never before.

“What happens in Canada is not only important for these hundreds of workers, but for 1.5 million Amazon employees globally,” said Mathias Bolton, Head of Commerce at UNI. “Unfortunately, we are seeing Amazon roll out its despicable union busting tactics in British Columbia, just like it has around the world. But we know the solution to this global union busting problem is global worker solidarity, and we stand with these Unifor members as they push for a collective agreement.”

The Amazon Global Union Alliance, led by UNI Global Union brings together more than 50 unions from over 20 countries. This international coalition aims to push Amazon to improve labour practices worldwide and recognize workers’ unions.

Under B.C. labour law, 45 per cent of the workforce are needed to sign union cards to trigger an election, and 55 per cent are needed for automatic certification. Amazon workers began organizing with Unifor in June 2023. The world will be watching what happens next.

Read Unifor’s announcement here. 


UNI Amazon Global Union Alliance

UNI Americas