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The unions will form the Care Council of the Philippine Liaison Committee, to advance the interests of care workers in the Philippines

Last week, on 13 October, 20 care unions came together to form the Care Council of the UNI Philippine Liaison Committee, which will fight for workers’ rights, grow union strength and work in tandem to coordinate activities in the care sector.

The Care Council will harness the collective power of the unions to gain better conditions in care.  The founding members of the council include: Unified Filipino Service Workers (UFSW), Philippine Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Workers Union (PACIWU)Congress of Independent Organizations (CIO) and the National Federation of Labor (NFL).

“The council will help bring a transformation of the Philippine care sector. This group represents thousands of hospital workers, dialysis clinic nurses and medical representatives across the country to speak with one voice with a shared goal of better jobs through stronger unions,” said Rajendra Acharya, UNI Asia and Pacific Regional Secretary.“We stand in solidarity with the founding members of the Care Council, and we celebrate this important step on the way to creating a better care sector.”

“This is another milestone for UNI PLC in the care sector and reinforces our work to organize care workers and fight for decent jobs in the Asia Pacific region.”

UFSW has union membership from almost 12 major private hospitals in the Philippines.

PACIWU and CIO has membership in private hospitals in the Bacolod area as well as an ongoing organizing project with Fresenius. The National Federation of Labor has membership in private hospitals in the Cebu and Davao areas.

The council will be led by the Chairman, Brother Jesus S. Obiena from the UFSW for a one-year term and UNI PLC will have the oversight of the function of the council.

UNI Global Union and its Care sector are committed to organize care workers in the Philippines and around the world.



The Philippines