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Global unions commit to LGBTI workers’ rights with Solidarity Charter


Global unions commit to LGBTI workers’ rights with Solidarity Charter

To mark the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on 17 May, UNI has joined with global unions to launch a Solidarity Charter to stand up for LGBTI rights.

LGBTI workers frequently experience forms of violence, harassment, discrimination and exclusion in society in general, and, in particular, throughout the employment cycle: from education, to access to employment, conditions of work and security of employment.

With the Solidarity Charter the global unions commit to acting as allies and advocates for LGBTI workers. This includes working to ensure that LGBTI workers are included in non-discrimination legislation; negotiating specific LGBTI non-discrimination clauses into global framework agreements with multinational companies; and providing the necessary tools and training to help unions protect LGBTI workers.

The global unions also recognize the need to build a more inclusive trade union movement and last month, in a step towards greater inclusivity in its decision-making, UNI Europa passed a resolution acknowledging the unique concerns of trans workers.

Veronica Fernandez Mendez, Head of Equal Opportunities at UNI Global Union said:

“Global unions have come together to say it loud and clear: LGBTI rights are trade union rights. The Solidarity Charter outlines our joint commitment towards creating safe and non-discriminatory workplaces for all LGBTI workers.”

More information about the work that global unions are doing for LGBTI workers can be found here: www.lgbtiworkers.org