x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

Statement by the Council of Global Unions (CGU), 22 January 2024

The Council of Global Unions expressed unwavering support and solidarity with the unionists, civil and human rights defenders, and the people of Argentina struggling to defend democracy in the face of repressive measures proposed by the new Javier Milei administration. We fully support the Argentine 24 January general strike and call on affiliates to participate in solidarity actions in their countries.

The new president of Argentina has put forward a raft of draconian, anti-democratic legislation that threatens decades of progress and hard-fought social protections. Trade unions around the word are particularly concerned about the Protocol for Social and Trade Union Mobilizations, which sets extremely restrictive rules; the DNU Decree (Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia), which aims to eliminate more than three hundred laws; and the controversial draft “ley ómnibus”, which would provide sweeping powers to the administration to implement measures detrimental to citizens, workers and unionists.

Argentina’s trade unions have played — and continue to play — a vital role championing human and trade union rights and the advancement of civic values in Argentina. The Global Union Federations and the ITUC stand firmly behind the CGT, CTA-T, CTA-A, and ITUC/CSA in their ongoing struggle to make Argentina more just. 

That is why ITUC/TUCA-CSA and GUFs and ITUC affiliates worldwide support the call for a General Strike and demonstrations issued for 24 January 2024, in Argentina, despite the threats expressed by the authorities and the limitations to the right to strike combined with prison sentences and economic sanctions.

We request that the Argentine government stop issuing legislation proposals unilaterally, but start negotiating with unions on ways to deal with labour issues.

We also stand with local actions supporting Argentine unions worldwide to actively oppose these regressive policies that threaten the foundations of a democracy.

We cannot allow democratic backsliding in Argentina. We must act now.


Press Release