x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

The 7th East Asia Trade Unions Forum, 2-3 October 2018, Tokyo, Japan


The 7th East Asia Trade Unions Forum, 2-3 October 2018, Tokyo, Japan

The highlight of the Tokyo activities belongs to the 7th East Asia Trade Union Forum which brings together UNI Apro’s service sector affiliates, including potential affiliates, from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. It was organised with the strong support of the UNI Liaison Council Japan. The series of UNI Apro East Asian Trade Unions Forum was first launched in Tokyo in 2012 to provide the framework for cooperation among UNI affiliates and potential affiliates in East Asia. Therefore it is a particularly important platform for building shared understanding and solidifying relationships that will contribute to UNI Apro’s overall agenda in promoting workers’ interests and their rights. 


This seventh forum takes its cue from the recently concluded UNI Congress in Liverpool and with UNI Apro’s approach to develop better industrial relations with the theme of “Making it Happen! To promote Partnership Labour-Management Relations in East Asia”.  This year, the forum focused on three aspects of the partnership which are “Partnership to promote Social Responsibility to achieve SDGs”, “Partnership to prevent harassments in the workplace” and “Partnership to promote new types of jobs, work organisation and employment”.


Various speakers, including management representatives shared good industrial relations practices and positive experiences in coping with the changes and challenges posed by technological innovations and globalisation. The participants were inspired and motivated by the various examples of stable social partnership that facilitated the smooth transition, amidst the efforts of companies and industries to remain competitive in a rapidly changing business and technological environments


The forum concluded with the participants adopting a joint statement that reaffirms their commitment to deepen co-operation and solidarity to promote the interests of the members and their families. This is premised on the equitable sharing of responsibility for action among all key stakeholders that will enhance economic opportunities and secure respect for fundamental human and trade union rights.



UNI Asia & Pacific