x Urgent: Support Georgian workers on hunger strike

UNI in full solidarity with IDWF General Secretary Elizabeth Tang


UNI in full solidarity with IDWF General Secretary Elizabeth Tang

Together with our colleagues in the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF), and with the rest of the global trade union movement, UNI Global Union is following with concern the situation of Elizabeth Tang, the IDWF’s greatly respected general secretary. She was arrested on 9 March 2023 by the Hong Kong National Security Police on allegations of “endangering national security” and is now on bail awaiting developments in her case.

UNI’s work with Elizabeth goes back nearly two decades, to the period when she was leading the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, and her young, motivated team was actively supporting a global campaign to lift standards for security guards and cleaners. 

UNI General Secretary Christy Hoffman said of Tang, “Elizabeth is a dedicated trade unionist who works with commitment and with the highest level of integrity. I was fortunate to work with her closely in the 2000s, and she has always put special focus on the ‘invisible’ and vulnerable workers who are left behind. Her approach has consistently been that we must lift wages and conditions for all workers, not only those in more privileged circumstances. She has earned UNI’s complete respect.”    

UNI stands in full solidarity with Elizabeth, one of the world’s most principled and prominent women trade union leaders and activists.

She has the full support of UNI and our 20 million members worldwide, and we look forward to a positive resolution of this situation and the opportunity to continue our work together to further workers’ rights around the world.

Please see the IDWF statement about this situation here.


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