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Chilean TV workers’ union includes ILO Convention 190 in collective agreement


Chilean TV workers’ union includes ILO Convention 190 in collective agreement

In its new collective agreement with Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN), Union 2, a member of UNI Global Union affiliate FETRATV (the Chilean Federation of Television Unions), won the company’s commitment to strictly comply with the principles enshrined in ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment at work.

The agreement between Union 2 and TVN aims to immediately this clause with a 12 June workshop on the impact of violence and harassment in the workplace, which will be attended by governmental ministers and UNI representatives.

“This is a long time in the making, trying to raise awareness about violence and harassment and the importance of bringing Convention 190 to the sector,” said Lorena Castro, president of FETRATV. “For the first time, a union in the state-owned companies and television channels sector has included in its collective bargaining agreement such a clear roadmap to eradicate violence and harassment in our workplaces.”

The agreement puts in place the necessary prevention strategies to develop safe working environments for all workers. “Seeing Convention 190 embedded in a collective bargaining agreement, just before a national government ratified the convention, is seeing the payoff of the trade union movement’s years-long effort to stop violence and harassment on the job. This is a model to be followed everywhere.”, said Verónica Fernández Méndez, Head of UNI Equal Opportunities Department.

“Today, as the Chilean government reaffirms its commitment to the working class by depositing C190 with the ILO, we are here to send a message that, as the implementation process moves forward, it is possible to work through collective bargaining with a focus on prevention for a new labour culture of respect and inclusion”, added Andrea García, Coordinator of UNI Equal Opportunities in the Americas.

This achievement is part of the regional work that the UNI Americas office has been developing transversally with its affiliates, in favour of the ratification of C190, as well as its proper implementation: “The role of trade unions is fundamental to transform each workplace into a safe space for all workers through collective bargaining,” said Marcio Monzane, UNI Americas Regional Secretary.

“The work of Union 2 and the commitment of the TVN management has allowed this workshop to be held with a special emphasis on the participation of all managers of the institution who play a fundamental role in the prevention of behaviours that can be consolidated as discrimination, violence and harassment,” Monzane said.

ILO Convention 190 will enter into force globally in 2024, and today the Chilean Undersecretary of Labour, Giorgio Boccardo, together with representatives of the CUT, the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile, and the CPC, the Chilean employers’ organization, submitted the Chile’s formal ratification of the convention in Geneva.