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“Our country is not for sale:” UNI supports 9 May general strikers in Argentina


“Our country is not for sale:” UNI supports 9 May general strikers in Argentina

UNI Global Union affiliates in Argentina are joining a nationwide general strike called by the CGT (General Confederation of Labor in English) and supported by CTA and CTA- A on 9 May. A massive number of strikers are mobilizing for urgent wage increases, for free trade unions for all workers and against privatization of state enterprises.

The walk off comes as the Javier Milei government has launched an assault on workers’ rights – including the right to join and form labour unions. Argentinian unions note that these rights are foundational to democracy throughout the country’s history.

The strike is getting support around the world. This week, the UNI Management Committee unanimously expressed their solidarity and support for the general strike “against a government that is solely focused on attacking the rights of the most vulnerable sectors of the population leading to hunger and daily misery for millions.

“Organized workers and their trade unions, in alliance with many other civil society organizations, are leading the resistance against the Milei government’s plan of devastation.  Taking legal and political action showing that an alternative is possible, as well as sustained and committed trade union action.”

 See full statement below.

Héctor Daer, UNI Americas president and CGT general secretary said: “The general strike called by the CGT is a powerful response against the government’s attempt to consolidate a historic change towards a model of inequality, without social justice, without trade union organizations and without collective bargaining agreements.”

In the early days of his administration, Milei tried to impose 300 reforms to dismantle the state by means of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency. This raft of changes would have indiscriminate opened up the economy and altered the legal structure social protections of the country. The workers’ movement succeeded in repealing the labour chapter of this decree, first in the courts and then in the streets.

Since taking power in December 2023, the Milei government has had a clear policy of restricting freedom of speech, using social networks and related media to clamp down on any criticisms of its actions.

UNI and its affiliates have started a public campaign in defence of public media, as Congress has started to consider a law that, if passed, would authorize the government to move against public media organizations. 

UNI gives its full solidarity with the Argentinian labour movement in defence of a trade unionism that has been a model for many others around the world.

UNI Management Committee Statement Showing Solidarity with 9 May General Strike in Argentina

At its meeting in Nyon the UNI Global Management Committee unanimously expressed its solidarity and support for the General Strike declared by the CGT Argentina for 9 May 2024.  A General Strike against a government that is solely focused on attacking the rights of the most vulnerable sectors of the population leading to hunger and daily misery for millions. 

To push through their destructive agenda the government has launched an assault on trade union organizations and is attempting to slash labour rights, rights that have been the foundation of a democratic state throughout the history of Argentina.

Social dialogue is being destroyed, collective bargaining annulled, and workers and the middle classes are being impoverished. The government is closing cultural institutions and attacking the cultural and political heritage of the country.

Since taking power the government has a clear policy of restricting freedom of speech and using social networks and related media to clamp down on any criticism of its actions.

Organized workers and their trade unions, in alliance with many other civil society organizations, are leading the resistance against the Milei government’s plan of devastation.  Taking legal and political action showing that an alternative is possible, as well as sustained and committed trade union action.

The General Strike called by the CGT is a powerful response against the government’s attempt to consolidate a historic change towards a model of inequality, without social justice, without trade union organizations and without collective bargaining agreements.  

 The UNI Global Union Management Committee expresses our full solidarity with the Argentinian labor movement and its leaders in defense of a trade unionism that has been a model for many others around the world.


  • Photograph from Diario Río Negro


UNI Americas