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Justice for DHL workers in Turkey – the power of international solidarity


Justice for DHL workers in Turkey – the power of international solidarity

UNI Global Union welcomed news that DHL Turkey and UNI affiliate Tümtis have finally started negotiations on a collective labour agreement (CLA), after a year of struggle.

UNI which, along with its sister global union the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), has a protocol with DP-DHL, praised the workers for their courage but said DHL Turkey should have agreed to the demands for a CLA much earlier.

UNI Global Union General Secretary, Christy Hoffman said, “This should not have taken almost a year of struggle, DHL should have adhered to the protocol and come to the negotiating table months ago. However, we finally have justice for workers at DHL Turkey and we have witnessed the power of international solidarity.”

Head of UNI Post & Logistics, Cornelia Broos added, “DHL workers in Turkey finally have the opportunity to be represented by their union of choice. The strong will and resilience of the Turkish union Tümtis and international solidarity have finally won through. Now, Tümtis can start to build a just relationship with the management in the best interests of its workforce.”

Tümtis President Kenan Öztürk thanked UNI and the ITF for their support, “This is what global solidarity can achieve. The support we received from the around the world gave us the strength to carry on and win justice for our members at DHL. Thank you to everyone who supported us.” 


Post & Logistics

UNI Europa