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Another World is Possible: UNI Asia & Pacific at the World Social Forum Nepal


Another World is Possible: UNI Asia & Pacific at the World Social Forum Nepal

UNI Asia and Pacific and our affiliates organized solidarity march during the World Social Forum (WSF) demanding social security, gender equality for all, decent work and for strengthening national, regional, and global solidarity.  The march held on 15th February witnessed over 300 union leaders from 22 affiliated unions on the streets of Kathmandu, Nepal.


Followed by a panel discussion on ‘Fostering a Human-Centric Economy for Social Justice in the Current Changing World of Work’. The discussion highlighted the importance of advancing humane values at workplace for workers and rising together for decent work for all.  Representatives from various affiliated organizations shared their insights.  Brother Ganesh KC from NTUC highlighted the crucial role of unions in advocating for workers’ rights, stressing that these issues are not just about work but are deeply tied to broader social concerns. Sister Sita Lama from GEFONT emphasized the need for achieving a healthy Work-Life Balance and ensuring social security coverage for all workers. Brother Dhan Bdr. BK from ANTUF spoke about the challenges posed by neo-liberalism and called for a more equitable distribution of resources. He proposed the establishment of a Nepal Labour Forum to facilitate inclusive discussions. Mr. Rajiv Timsina from Tribhuvan University emphasized the importance of addressing workers’ welfare and rejecting neglect from both the state and society. Mr. Tilak Khadka, UNI APRO discussed strategies like Capital Strategy and Collective Bargaining Agreements to secure fair wages, while Brother Shankar Lamichhane stressed the importance of raising awareness and fostering solidarity among workers at local, national, and global levels. The session was moderated by Mr. Pranab Kharel, who acknowledged the obstacles faced by trade unions in today’s uncertain times but remained optimistic about their ability to adapt and advocate for workers’ rights. The panel attracted over 100 participants from trade unions worldwide, reflecting the global interest in promoting social justice in the workplace.

Rajendra Acharya,  Regional Secretary of UNI-APRO, addressed the panel discussion organized JTUCC “When workers unite, everyone wins. Being part of a union helps workers fight for higher pay, social security, and decent working conditions. Strong unions mean better protection and more benefits for workers and employers. We are currently dealing with climate change, Artificial Intelligence, newer technologies, world health crises and constantly changing world of work. We need to work in solidarity in organizing new generation of workers”.



The World Social Forum (WSF) held in Nepal spanned for 5 days and drew over 50,000 attendees from around the world with over 1400 trade unions, organisations, civil society, and stakeholders spanning 98 countries marked their attendance virtually and in person. This year the WSF themed ‘Another World is Possible’. Every year, the World Social Forum offers a welcoming environment for trade unions to host themed discussions, organize activities, and arrange cultural events. These events aim to encourage networking, cooperation, and conversations about creating a fairer and more sustainable future for everyone.


UNI Asia & Pacific