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Solidarity with Ukrainian workers in publishing and retail in light of recent attacks  


Solidarity with Ukrainian workers in publishing and retail in light of recent attacks   

UNI Global Union stands in unwavering solidarity with Ukrainian workers and trade unions in the publishing, and retail sectors following the recent devastating Russian attacks.


In May, Russian missiles destroyed one of Ukraine’s largest printing houses, Factor-Druk, just a week before the International Book Arsenal Festival. This heinous act, targeting the cultural and intellectual heart of Ukraine, has paralyzed almost the entire book sector. The attack resulted in the tragic loss of seven civilians who were diligently working at the printing house and left 22 others injured.


Additionally, a recent Russian strike on a Kharkiv supermarket claimed 12 lives, further highlighting the indiscriminate nature of these brutal attacks on civilian infrastructure and workers.


These attacks on civilians are abhorrent and must be condemned by the international community. The deliberate targeting of workers is a blatant violation of international norms and human decency,” said Christy Hoffman, General Secretary of UNI Global Union.


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