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The World Players Association will host the fifth edition of the World Player Development Conference (PDC) in Nyon, Switzerland from Tuesday 21 June 2022. The three day program – which brings together over 100 player development managers from athlete associations all over the world – will explore, share, and plan for the future of player development and wellbeing.

Following decades of disruption to the business and politics of sport and athletic career paths, the PDC now looks to the future. The 2021 PDC – hosted virtually in partnership with the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) – focused on the care and connection desperately needed to support and advocate for players during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, the PDC takes those lessons forward and looks ahead to what’s next.

“The Player Development Programs managed by player and athlete associations understand that players are people first, and athletes a distant second. They are player centred and aim to ensure athletes have every resource needed, both now and in the future, to fully develop as people and successfully transition during and from their sporting careers, which are inherently short term and precarious. As sport continues to be transformed, it is essential we develop the new skills, support systems, and opportunities athletes will need from their associations to thrive in that future.” said Pamela Gilpin, player development and wellbeing coordinator at World Players Association.

The PDC’s sessions feature a range of leading practitioners and thinkers from the world of sport and beyond, speaking on topics such as diversity, inclusion, gender equity, Gen A, the changing world of work, athlete rights, athlete activism, and protection. Participants will learn about the latest research and trends in these fields and take away tangible ideas and tools to strengthen and reenergize their Player Development Programs.

“The 2022 PDC comes at a very important time for the world of sport and player associations globally,” said Brendan Schwab, Executive Director of the World Players Association. “The PDC will address the educational, mental health and wellbeing elements essential to any effective Player Development Program. However, for too many athletes, dreams of sporting careers have been replaced by the trauma of discrimination, abuse and lifelong injury. We have to be able to respond and address these grave threats and support athletes in need over the long term. The inspiring leadership demonstrated by the attendance at the PDC confirms that the player association has the will to meet these challenges.”

Learn more about the speakers at the 2022 PDC below and follow along on Twitter for live in-conference updates and special announcements from @WorldPlayersUTD!