Remote Work

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Remote Work Database

With this live database, UNI affiliates can access concrete examples of collective agreements on remote work negotiated by trade unions worldwide – at both the sectoral and company level. These agreements include ground-breaking protections and benefits for remote workers, showing that the union difference stretches far and beyond the traditional workplace. 

By providing this resource, in tandem with our key principles to advance remote workers’ rights, our aim is to support affiliates in their collective bargaining negotiations and raise standards globally.

In studying an initial 119 agreements from 25 countries from our ICTS, Finance and Professionals & Managers sectors, we have identified and tagged the key issues that unions are bargaining around in relation to remote work. These issues/tags are:

  • freedom of association
  • the right to disconnect
  • health and safety
  • surveillance
  • civil liability insurance
  • compensation
  • workers’ accident insurance
  • domestic violence
  • career development
  • online harassment

UNI has also produced a report  “Remote work: A review of unions’ collective bargaining response” giving an analysis of the 119 agreements.

In order for this database to remain current and useful, we strongly encourage UNI affiliates to send in their collective agreements on remote work as they are being negotiated.

Remote Work Database

If you cannot gain access to this database, please email: and indicate your name, trade union or organization, and the reason for your request. UNI secretariat will process your request as soon as possible.