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SATSAID to conduct survey on working conditions in the Argentine video game industry


SATSAID to conduct survey on working conditions in the Argentine video game industry

SATSAID (Sindicato Argentino de Televisión, Servicios Audiovisuales, Interactivos y de Datos), with the support of UNI Global Union, is launching a survey to understand the working conditions within the Argentine video game industry.

The University of Essex, the Centre for Labour Studies and Research of CONICET and video game workers collaborated with the unions to develop this survey as a crucial tool to gather insights and address the challenges workers face in the sector.

SATSAID invites all industry professionals to participate by sharing their valuable experiences. The survey officially opened on 12 June, and it will run until a significant sample size is obtained.

The survey is key to gaining a comprehensive understanding of the conditions workers face and can be used to develop regulations and policies to raise standards.

SATSAID, recognizing the need for change in the video game industry, has been engaging with workers in the industry, including at its booth during the Exposición de Videojuegos Argentina 2022 (EVA).

Last year, UNI Global Union conducted an international survey to evaluate the working conditions of video game workers worldwide. The findings from this comprehensive study have recently been released in a new report, revealing significant insights into the challenges faced by employees in the industry. The vast majority of respondents (79%) expressed support or strong support for unionizing their workplace, indicating a strong desire for collective action and change.

Among the issues reported by respondents, low pay emerged as the most cited problem, with 66% of participants highlighting it as a concern. In Europe, this rate was even higher, reaching 77%. Gender discrimination also surfaced as a significant issue, with a notable number of female and non-binary respondents reporting its prevalence in their workplaces. Approximately 46% of women and 43% of non-binary respondents who identified workplace issues reported experiencing gender discrimination.

The report’s findings have mobilized video game workers from around the world who are demanding improved industry standards and safe working hours and conditions on a global scale. Representatives from video game worker unions across 20 countries convened in Berlin in June 2022 to discuss international efforts to organize and strengthen worker power within the rapidly growing digital entertainment sector.

The video game sector is one of the fastest-growing entertainment industries globally, with projected revenues reaching half a trillion dollars by 2028, surpassing the global film and video industry. With over 330,000 workers employed across North America, Europe, and Asia, including emerging markets like India, video game workers have increasingly raised concerns about unfavourable working conditions. These include issues such as low pay, insufficient benefits, the pervasive use of mandatory overtime or “crunch,” and workplace cultures marred by harassment and discrimination.